
I'm here to heal and coach you to put your best foot forward into your new reality.

So what can we create together?

My Story

A little bit about my background, just so you can understand where my approach is all coming from...

Originally from East Germany I spent the first 18 years living behind that border and wall, where people have not been able to travel the world.

A lot of restrictions and control in society were leading to strain in daily life, my family life was like constantly living in a pressure cooker as my parents had a lot of arguments and fighting going on, caused partly by my dad's alcohol addiction. 

My best bid was to shy away from this drama my parents brought to the table daily and try not to be seen so to avoid more noise and criticism. I made the best of it, thanks God my grandmother was there for me, so it was not all lost early on. Turning 18 was a highlight as the wall in Berlin came down, people were rushing over to the other side of the wall to see the "paradise" and a total culture shock set in.

Being 18 I landed on my own feet as my dad wanted me to become self sufficient, so to speak move out and live an independent life. Although not very pleased at that time this was the best thing he could have done for me!                                                                   

I went to Uni but quickly left East Germany to go for an apprenticeship in a huge International Freight Forwarding and Shipping company in Nuremberg/West Germany. Working quite successfully offered me the chance to work at the newly opened branch in Leipzig/Germany and was able to built up the business over 9 years. Together with my husband we decided it was time to move abroad.

At that time I was forced to look at my own personal baggage, I noticed in order to move forward I needed to look at my life from a different perspective. From my childhood I carried anxiety towards people, fear of failure and criticism, self doubt, lack of self confidence and all sorts of different mental, emotional problems. I was seeking professional psychotherapy to roll out my childhood again. With a few results there I was able to move on to take a job in  Aberdeen/Scotland whilst still working for the same company. There in Scotland our kids were born. It was after having my first child  I felt quite isolated and alone not having family for support when my husband worked. I developed depression and my frustration grew feeling quite trapped.                   

Back then I stumbled across a Body Mind and Spirit expo and was drawn to a Professional healer who later became my Reiki Master.                                                                                       

My first healing session I went to left me speechless, I couldn't believe I was able to shift mental and emotional blockages within a 60 minute session, whereas psychotherapy took a year to see results. I was quite puzzled how that happened and went for more healing work.               

Every time I was able to let go of more things I had stored from my childhood. A real eye opener was to study Reiki Energy Healing to the extent that I became a Reiki Master over the next years. With every step I took my life changed to get better and happier and my personal challenges were fading away gradually. 

After workshops like Manifestation and the Law of Attraction and Dream Boards I learned all sorts of different tools which finally let us manifest our dream to move to New Zealand in 2015.

From there everything changed dramatically of course when you move to the other end of the world. I left my corporate job behind in Europe and was surrounded by wonderful nature and ocean but I was lost. 

That's where I fell into entrepreneurship with the dream to connect with people to show them how they can expand by clearing their past issues to move into the best version of themselves.


As life is presenting you with more challenges know that there is always help here, know that everything can be shifted and healed as long as you allow it to happen.
— Susann Prendel

What I've Achieved So FAR

  • Worked with hundreds of people over the more than five years being in New Zealand

  • Worked with people from all walks of life

  • Worked with people with severe illnesses like cancer

  • Worked with people who encountered trauma, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, relationship problems and fear

  • Worked with people who wanted to move forward in their life and make the next step in their journey

  • Worked with baby's as young as three months, children and adults of any age

  • Trained people in Self Empowerment and Reiki workshops

  • I'm working monthly at local Body Mind and Spirit Festivals and Wellbeing Shows